Bathyblack Abyss

Childhood Abandonment
Trauma Destroys
Adult Relationships

Jon Bohannon

Joe eventually remembered what happened to him as a child. The experience had been completely forgotten. Although buried in the recesses of his mind, childhood events were the catalyst for many failed relationships throughout his adult life. Joe had been completely blind to what he finally recalled.

How Could He Forget This?

A large woman lifts and tosses the 4-year-old boy into a small dark room. The door slams shut. The woman shouts, "JOEY, YOU ARE A BAD BOY!"

In his heart Joey knows she is accusing him of something he didn't do. He thinks, "I'm not bad. I wasn't even there. I can prove it was her son, but she wouldn't let me talk. She is being so unfair! Her son should be the one in trouble, not me. Why does she believe him?

Joey kicks the door and yells, "GEORGE DID IT! YOU ARE SO STUPID! I HATE YOU!" He is so angry his knees are shaking. He wants to hit her. He chokes on his tears, sobbing deeply and unable to catch his breath. Joey slams his fists again and again on the door. He hates her. He hates this woman. He wants to hit her. The door keeps him away from her, so he hits the door. The door is her. He hits the door again and again.

The woman has turned off the light switch in the hallway on her side of the door. It is very dark in here. Locked in the darkness, Joey is afraid, and panic rises within him. He yells, "LET ME OUT! LET ME OUT!" He jerks the doorknob trying to make it turn. It is held solid. Joey shouts with all his might, "I HATE YOU!" On the other side of the door, the woman yells even louder. Her words drown out Joey's voice and pierce him like a sword. What she says hurts Joey deep inside.

Blackness surrounds him, except at his feet where light shines under the door. Through tears streaming down his cheeks and dripping off his face, the meager light only touches the dirty carpet. As his eyes adjust to the darkness, he notices the sink supported on square-framed chrome legs and the tub shrouded in a curtain. Joey recognizes the underbelly of his surroundings. He is in the bathroom. The absence of light frightens him.

He jerks the doorknob, but it still won't budge. He bangs and bangs on the door. He feels lost and thinks, "Why me? I didn't do it. Where is my mother? If she was here, she would protect me. Where is my Mommy?" He screams, "I WANT MY MOMMY, I WANT MY MOMMY!" The woman shouts through the door, "YOU'RE A BAD BOY! IF YOU DON'T BEHAVE,YOUR MOTHER IS NEVER COMING!" Her words slam into Joey, and something inside of him snaps. He is changed forever.

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Copyright © 2020 Jon Bohannon
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Website Last Revised May 12, 2020